For Sale
1, Indresham, Patancheru, Sangareddy, Telangana, Sangareddy, Telangana1.100 crore
- Property ID: RB726
- Type Of Villa:Triplex
- Total Villa Area:200
- Slab Area:2800 Sq Feets
- Price:11,000,000
- Present Value:35,000
- Property Type:VILLA
- House Number/Plot No:1
- Colony Name:Aarna
- Type Of Building:New
- Total Building Area:200 Sq Yards
- Parking:Yes
- Furnishing:Without Furnished
- Main Door Facing:East
- State:Telangana
- District:Sangareddy
- Mandal:Patancheru
- Village:Indresham
- Pincode:503219
- Approved By:Hmda
1, Indresham, Patancheru, Sangareddy, Telangana, Sangareddy, Telangana
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